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Looking for a recruiter who specializes in placing great customer service representatives? Then you are in the right place.


WOYOT prides themselves in partnering with the right companies with the perfect candidate. Great customer service is providing excellent experience. We place remote and inhouse representatives within all industries.


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Founder's Biography

I have been in the customer service industry for a long time. Customer service always chose me.


There is something to be said about the satisfaction felt after a call has been completed. I always wondered if the other party feel as great as I do, or even better. In my personal life when speaking with a customer service agent it would be hard to recognise who was the agent versus the customer because I treat agents the way I would like to be treated. I wanted to create a company where there are like minded individuals out there who thrive on providing the same type of satisfaction in making customers happy.


Customer service to me means providing exceptional service to all customers no matter the type of industry. All customers deserve to feel the same; Satisfied, happy and heard


2021 WOYOT INC. 

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